Monday, December 22, 2008

NYS Rehabilitation Tax Credit Strategy Summit

Sponsored by the New York State Urban Council, Preservation League of New York State, Metropolitan Development Association of Syracuse and Central New York, Inc., National Grid, and Cannon Heyman & Weiss, LLP

Please join developers, architects, economic development officials, tax credit professionals and others from throughout New York State for presentations and strategy discussions focusing on the 2009 campaign to secure an expanded NYS Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program. Working together, our goal is to provide an effective incentive for economic redevelopment and community revitalization in commercial districts and residential neighborhoods across New York.

Save the Date:

Friday, January 16, 2009
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM (lunch provided)
National Grid Auditorium
300 Erie Boulevard West
Syracuse, New York 13202

For more information, contact Ben Walsh at

(Thanks to Daniel Mackay, Director of Public Policy at the Preservation League of New York State, for passing this information along)

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